So, today is Julian's 25th birthday! Yay! We actually have a weeks worth of celebrations going on for him. It all started at Thin/Onyx last Friday, Twitter Tuesday at Raw Mana, and Hannie Hump Day which was today.
I'm actually going to post about Twitter Tuesday. Twitter Tuesday is an event at Raw Mana sushi bar inside of Seau's restaurant. It's where they serve the "Victory Roll". Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end so this past Tuesday was the finale for the event. This finale was also Julz' birthday dinner and naturally he got "IGNORANT".
If you haven't already, make sure to greet Julz happy birthday. Don't forget to add a bite or a slap to that. =)
Twitter Tuesday Resident, DJ Ricochet
My yummy udon! They sell this at Seau's as an appetizer, but its a full meal to me!
Ben of FYS, just in case you missed the name tag.
Rondizzle of FYS, his name tag isn't as clear in the picture but he was still wearing one. LMFAO.
Special Message to Rygar - @djrygar This is Julz' way of telling you that he misses you! Safe travels back to London next week, the Victory - @victorysd fam will miss you!